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June 2024 news: We regret that Kutjera (Bush Tomato) is completely out of stock at the moment. It has been a late harvest and stock may not be available again until later in the year. We’ll re-stock it just as soon as we can!

Tea and bikkie pack

Our best-selling sweet and tea flavours!
In stock
Product Details

31 March 2023: the price of the gift packs has increased - but so has the product list! Packs now contain Caysha blend, Spicy Fruit Sprinkle (instead of Wattle Sugar), Peppermint Gum (tea pack)- and a cute kangaroo biscuit cutter.

This pack contains products suitable for making afternoon tea! (Note: "bikkie" as short for "biscuit", which is the Australian version of "cookies").

Each pack contains:

All packed with tissue paper and ribbon into a bag or box with the Bent Shed Produce logo.

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