Wattleseed bread rolls

- 500 g strong white/baker's flour
- 15 g dried yeast Or 30g fresh yeast
- ½ tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 30 g ground and roasted Wattleseed
- 300 ml blood heat water plus extra for yeast.
- Place the yeast in a small bowl and add half cup of blood-heat water.
- Let sit for at least ten minutes to soften, turn into a cream and start bubbling.
- Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, including the wattleseed.
- Add the wet ingredients and mix to a soft dough using your hands or a dough hook of a food processor.
- Knead for at least ten minutes until dough is soft and silky. I do recommend finishing the dough by hand, so you can feel its texture.
- You may need to adjust water or flour levels; humid air will make dough sticky and need more flour, while dry conditions will probably need more water. Experiment until it feels good.You're after a soft, warm dough that doesn't stick excessively to your hands or the benchtop.
- Cover with a tea-towel and place dough in a warm location. Rise ('prove') for 60-75 minutes.
- Gently punch down and shape into a long sausage shape.
- Cut/tear off 12 pieces, rolling them into a small roll, or creating a twist or knot if it takes your fancy. Place on a baking sheet on a tray.
- Alternatively, you can shape into a loaf shape and add to a loaf tin.
- Cover rolls with a tea-towel and place in a warm place for the second proving (about 30 minutes).
- Prove until rolls have doubled in size - about 30mins.
- Heat oven to 200-220C.
- When rolls have finished rising for the second time, put them straight into the hot oven for ten minutes.Then turn the oven down to 180C for another ten minutes.
- Test by gently tapping a roll. It should sound hollow. If it makes a dull thud, it may need a little more baking - 2-3 minutes.
- Take rolls out of oven and let cool.
- If desired, you can glaze with cream for a shiny finish.