Bent Shed Choccie Crackles®

- 4 cups Kellogg's® Rice Bubbles®
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 1 cup desiccated coconut
- 250 g copha®* chopped
- 3 tbsp cocoa Dutch process if possible
- 1/2 tbsp ground pepperberry OR ground wattleseed If using both, mix to make up 1/2 tablespoon in total
- 1/2 cup frozen native berries or fruit such as midyimberry, riberry, lillypilly, quandong (chopped fine) optional
- 1. In a large bowl, mix the Kellogg's® Rice Bubbles®, icing sugar, cocoa, pepperberry and/or wattleseed, and dessicated coconut.
- 2. Slowly melt the copha® in a saucepan over a low heat. Allow to cool slightly.
- Add to Rice Bubbles mixture, stirring until well combined.
- 3. Add frozen berries or fruit (if using).
- 4. Spoon mixture into paper patty cases and refrigerate until firm.